"Think of Gay is a GIFT as Chicken Soup for the Gay Soul. A+" - Web Digest Weekly
"Salvatore Sapienza's Gay is a GIFT is itself a gift; a sweet, inspiring portrayal of gay consciousness as blessing, along with a simple, light-hearted - even fun - spiritual practice for bringing more blessing into your life." -Toby Johnson, author of Gay Spirituality.
"4 out of 4 stars. A sweet epistle on gay spirituality including some practical exercises as well as personal anecdotes from the author's personal struggle, it's a loving, worthwhile read." -Out Front Colorado
"A fine offering of affirmation, information and motivation that will raise both your spirits and your consciousness. Livened and enriched by personal anecdotes and practical exercises, Sapienza’s book illuminates one man’s struggle to eliminate the negativity of being gay and replace it with the fine, white light of positivism."-Out In Print
"Use Gay is a GIFT as a guide and you will find yourself more at peace not just with yourself but with everyone. It is written so beautifully and says so much that, if you are like me, may find yourself reading it with tears in your eyes." -Eureka Pride
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